Short Stories for students in English | Simple English Stories
Story for Kids
Friendship Test
There was a forest. Elephant, horse, donkey and goat used to graze there. There was good friendship among them. They used to talk a lot of grazing. There was a rabbit house under the tree. One day he saw the friendship of those four.
The rabbit went near and said - You guys also make me friends. They said good. Then the rabbit was very happy. The rabbit would sit near them every day. He also used to listen to his stories and listen to stories.
One day the rabbit was sitting near them listening to stories. Suddenly the sound of hound dogs was heard. Rabbit said to the elephant - you make me sit on your back. When the hunting dogs came, kill them with the trunk and drive them away.
The elephant said - it's time for me to go home. Then the rabbit went to the horse. He started saying - elder brother. You put me on your back and save me from the hunter dogs. If you kill a dog, the dogs will run away. The horse said - I do not know how to sit. I sleep standing up. How to climb my back My feet are also hurting. They have a new placenta. How do I kill? You take any other solution.
Then the rabbit went to the donkey and said - Friend donkey. You save me from the hunter dogs. Sit me on the back. When the dogs come, flush them and drive them away. The donkey said - I am going home. It is time, if I do not return home on time, the potter will beat my pole with a stick. Then the rabbit went towards the goat.
The goat said - Younger brother, do not come here, I am very afraid of hunter dogs. May I not be killed with you somewhere? Then dogs came near. The rabbit ran with his feet on his head. Dogs could not race so fast. The rabbit hid in the bush. He started saying in his mind - always trust in yourself.
Friends, friendship is tested only when disaster strikes, friends who are willing to leave their own calamities and help you, are your true friends.
Story for Kids
Effect of association
Once a hunter went hunting, could not find prey, got tired and slept under a tree. If the velocity of the wind was high, the shade of the tree was getting less and less, due to the branches moving here and there.
A beautiful goose was flying from there, that goose saw that the poor person is getting upset, sunlight is coming on his mouth, then he is not able to sleep properly, so he can open his wings on the tree tree. He sat down so that the hunter could sleep comfortably in his shade.
While he was sleeping, a crow came and sat on the same branch, looked here and there and immersed his feces on the hunter without thinking anything and flew from there. Then the hunter got up and looked angrily here and there and looked at the swan and he immediately took out a bow arrow and killed the goose.
The goose fell down and while dying, Hans said: - I was serving you, I was giving you shade, you killed me? What is my fault in this? At that time, the hunter of that Padmapuran said: Although you were born in a high family, your thinking is as beautiful as your body,
Your rites are pure, even with good intentions, you were serving me by sitting on a tree branch, but you made a mistake that when the crow sat near you, you should have flown at the same time. A clock accompaniment to that evil crow has brought you to the gate of death.
Consistency should always be taken care of in the world. Those who are paramaha सेsa with mind, work and intellect should keep distance from crows.
Story for Kids
Devotee and God
A devotee sits under the tamarind tree
One day I was doing bhajan. Narada Ji Maharaj there
He came. That devotee told Narada that you
Please be so kind when you go to God
B Ask them when they will meet me?
Narada ji went to God and asked if so
At the place a devotee is sitting under the tamarind tree
And is praising him, when will you meet him?
God said that as many leaves as that tree,
See you after birth.
Narada ji became sad after hearing this.
He went to that devotee, but did not say anything to him.
The devotee prayed what God had said, say
So two Narada ji said that you will be desperate if you listen
Will go
When the devotee made a lot of request, Narada Ji said that the number of leaves of this tree, after that many births, will come to God.
The devotee asked curiously whether God himself said so?
Narada Ji said that yes, God himself said that.
Hearing this, that devotee started dancing happily that God will meet me, meet, meet !!
Because the word of God cannot be false.
Only then did God appear there!
Narada ji saw that he was very surprised.
He said to God that Maharaj! If this was the case then why did I get upset?
If you want to meet soon
Would have told me that I will meet you after so many births and you have just arrived!
God said Narada! When you asked about it, then the way it was doing bhajan, the speed it would have given birth to it.
But now its change
Gone! This is the 'God will get me'!
That's why I had to come now.
Because of the unwavering faith, exclusivity, perseverance, enthusiasm in the accomplishment of purpose, the hymn is intensified.